Cosplay Runway
Masquerade Upgrade! Here’s our cosplay competition at its fun and finest!
MidoriCon’s wig on this event is a little mullet-like: business upfront, party in the back. Like masquerades in the past, you can enter into our different tiers of competition to be judged by our cosplay experts. Entrants will show off their work to the audience on stage for their tiers and await the judges’ verdict.

Cosplay Runway Sign-Ups are only available in person at the Information Desk, so be aware that slots are limited and that they are first-come, first-served.
Cosplays will be pre-judged before the event under the following criteria:
- Costume Accuracy
- Creativity
- Dedication to Detail
- Overall Craftsmanship
This competition allows for a spontaneous tier, however: welcome the Runway Dance-off! As the judges deliberate, members from the audience are encouraged up on stage to strut their stuff. Audience members, you’re the judges here - your cheers will choose the victors!
Silly and fabulous moves are absolutely encouraged. Be brave!
Following the moves of our Runway Dance-off, the Masquerade winners will be announced. Come see (or be!) the beauty, skill, and posing prowess of these marvelous Cosplayers!
Looking for more detailed rules on our judging categories? Head here!
Cosplay Gala
May we have this dance? Long has MidoriCon wanted to bring you costumed dancing revelry. Bring your cosplays elegant and divine to our Cosplay Gala!

This is an event styled for all of you who love dancing both graceful or awkward. With music from all of your favorite fandoms, join us for dances for every experience level, including a few awkward and flailing dances to loosen your limbs and nerves. Come and dance the eve away!
Concerned about your cosplay? Please feel free to double-check our Cosplay Policy and Weapon and Prop Policy to make sure they fit the bill!